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Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology (Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology) de James Conolly
Descripción - Críticas 'There is no stone unturned here - the manual contains sections for nearly every conceivable use of GIS, and each chapter illustrates the whys and how-tos in clear language with plenty of illustrations and supporting charts...an invaluable tool for both the novice and the experienced professional who seeks a better understanding of this important research tool.' Dirt Brothers.org' … the book is well written, lavishly illustrated and attractively presented. The authors constantly demonstrate their considerable knowledge and skill in GIS, while making the technical, mathematical and computer issues easily comprehensible.' South African Archaeological Bulletin Reseña del editor Geographical Information Systems has moved from the domain of the computer specialist into the wider archaeological community, providing it with an exciting new research method. This clearly written but rigorous book provides a comprehensive guide to that use. Topics covered include: the theoretical context and the basics of GIS; data acquisition including database design; interpolation of elevation models; exploratory data analysis including spatial queries; statistical spatial analysis; map algebra; spatial operations including the calculation of slope and aspect, filtering and erosion modeling; methods for analysing regions; visibility analysis; network analysis including hydrological modeling; the production of high quality output for paper and electronic publication; and the use and production of metadata. Offering an extensive range of archaeological examples, it is an invaluable source of practical information for all archaeologists, whether engaged in cultural resource management or academic research. This is essential reading for both the novice and the advanced user. Descripción del libro This book provides a comprehensive guide on the use of Geographical Information Systems in archaeology and illustrates how GIS can be put to practical use. Examining issues such as data acquisition, methods of analysis and techniques of visualization, the book is an essential tool for students and professional archaeologists alike. Biografía del autor James Conolly holds the Canada Research Chair in Archaeology at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario. His research interests include landscape archaeology, quantitative methods and the origins of early agriculture. He is co-editor (with Sue Colledge) of Early Neolithic Agriculture in South West Asia and Europe (forthcoming).Mark Lake is a lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. His research interests include early prehistory and evolutionary archaeology. He is a contributor to Handbook of Archaeological Sciences (forthcoming) and a member of the editorial board of World Archaeology.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology (Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology)
- Autor: James Conolly
- Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Ciencias de la Tierra
- Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology ~ About Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology. . Geographical Information Systems has moved from the domain of the computer specialist into the wider archaeological community, providing it with an exciting new research method. This clearly written but rigorous book provides a comprehensive guide to that use.
Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology by James ~ Geographical Information Systems has moved from the domain of the computer specialist into the wider archaeological community, providing it with an exciting new research method. This clearly written but rigorous book provides a comprehensive guide to that use.
GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN ARCHAEOLOGY ~ Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology, James Conolly and Mark Lake Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology is a series of reference handbooks designed for an international audience of upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, and professional archaeologists and
Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology (Cambridge ~ Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is a rapidly developingarchaeological method which is moving from the domain of the computerspecialist into that of the wider archaeological community. This bookprovides a comprehensive manual on the use of GIS in archaeology and isdesigned to explore the concept of GIS and illustrate how it can be adaptedfor practical use.
Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology ~ Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology by James Conolly and Mark Lake. Cambridge Manuals in Archaeol-ogy. Cambridge University Press, New York. 288 pp.+ glossary, bib., index. ISBN 0-521-79330-0 (hardcover) US$95. ISBN 0-521-79744-6 (paperback) US$45. 2006. INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN Archaeology is one of the latest addi-
Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology by James ~ Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is a rapidly developing archaeological method which is moving from the domain of the computer specialist into that of the broader archaeological community. This comprehensive manual on the use of GIS in archaeology explores the concept of GIS and illustrates how it can be adapted for practical use.
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Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology - James ~ Geographical Information Systems has moved from the domain of the computer specialist into the wider archaeological community, providing it with an exciting new research method. This clearly written but rigorous book provides a comprehensive guide to that use. Topics covered include: the theoretical context and the basics of GIS; data acquisition including database design; interpolation of .
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